Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Super Food – Acai Berry Is A Star In Heart Health, Digestion And Cancer Prevention

The acai berry is one of the healthiest berries you will ever find. Acai is an indigenous berry found in the rainforests of the Amazon. This fruit has been heralded for centuries as a healing, immune-stimulating, energy-boosting fruit. Research reveals this antioxidant-rich berry may help suppress and repair oxidative damage. Let’s take a look at health benefits of acai berries.


Similar to red wine, research shows that acai berries are extremely high in anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant that supports balanced cholesterol levels by scavenging some of the harmful LDL cholesterol off of artery walls, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, stroke, and heart attack.

They are also rich in plant sterols which act as vasodilators and relax blood vessels to reduce blood pressure, prevent blood clots that can lead to strokes and heart attacks, and generally improve the circulation and oxygenation of the blood.


Acai oil is frequently used in modern cosmetic products because the antioxidants in the oil can relieve irritation and redness and moisturize the skin. When eaten, the berries provide nutrition that can give your skin a healthy glow. In fact, Brazilians have been eating the pulp of the acai berry to treat or reduce the number of skin conditions and diseases.


Known by nutritionists as a superfood, acai may help us not only lose weight but maintain a healthy weight. Early research indicates that the pulp of the acai berry can help in weight loss efforts in many people. It not only stimulates weight loss but can also help people maintain a healthy weight by reducing the negative impact of high-fat diets. In recent years, acai weight loss supplements and pills have become wildly popular and although the results are not uniformly successful, there have been a number of positive testimonials regarding the success with weight loss brought on by consistent consumption of acai berry juice and other products. One reputable study found that 30 days of using acai berries resulted in a lower level of fasting insulin and glucose levels, as well as a reduction in total cholesterol. Although more research is currently being done, it appears that acai berries do have a strong effect on weight loss. The high fiber content of acai berries can also reduce appetite and stop hunger pains associated with overeating and weight gain.

See more about weight loss, you can click here


Acai is a wonderful source of vitamin-C, which is a well-known immunity booster and can generally improve your ability to fight off many diseases, including cancer. Besides the immunity boosting ability of vitamin-C, the ellagic acid in acai berries also aids in the fight against cancerous cells. Acai is packed with polyphenols, which battle cancerous growth on a molecular level and prevent small cancerous growths from multiplying and metastasizing into lethal amounts of carcinogenic growth. One study actually found that acai berry can stop the growth of cancer cells up to 80%, which is one of the most successful rates for alternative medical treatments for that dreaded disease. There has been specific attention placed on acai berry’s effect on prostate cancer in men.


Acai berries have been found to have strong detoxifying effects on the human body, which help to cleanse the body’s digestive system and remove some of the hazardous toxins that build up. Also, acai berries, along with most other types of berries, have high levels of natural fiber, which aids in digestion and absorption of nutrients from food. The fiber bulks up the bowel movements of people, making their excretory processes more regular, and reducing the chances of constipation and other uncomfortable digestive issues. Also, if people suffer from loose stools or diarrhea, consuming acai berries or other fiber-rich foods can give more bulk to the stool and reduce the chances of diarrhea.


Acai berries contain properties that may prevent the irritation in the lungs typically associated with respiratory distress and swelling.


On a general level, the anthocyanins found in acai play a role in the body’s cellular protection system, reduce the chances of unhealthy apoptosis (cell death) and increases the efficiency of the cell’s absorption of nutrients and the subsequent translation into useful energy. They also help to keep cells strong against the invasion of free radicals.


One study found that polyphenolic compounds extracted from acai reduced the proliferation of malfunctioning cells by up to 86%. It is thought that acai berry contains phytochemicals that can disrupt cell mutation at a molecular level, killing the affected cells before they multiply. Acai berries are not a cure for any disease but, hopefully, more research will yield more positive discoveries.


One of the most important medical qualities of acai berries is its ability to slow down the aging process in people, due to its high levels of antioxidants. Antioxidants remove the free radicals that cause the breakdown of skin, hair, teeth, and eye health that is so often associated with premature aging. Regular consumption of acai berry juice or the application of acai oil to certain topical areas of the skin can help reduce the damaging effects of free radicals, reduce tooth and hair loss, prevent wrinkle formation, and slow down the effects of macular degeneration.


According to the research of Carvalho-Peixoto and Jacqueline in 2015, taking acai extract can lead to an increased overall level of energy and stamina, and may aid to combat fatigue and exhaustion. Whenever you need a boost, simply eat a handful of berries and you will be ready to go in no time!


Although the direct impact of acai berries on sexual stamina and sex drive is not completely known, the acai berries do have a well-researched ability to increase the general blood circulation throughout the body. Since lack of blood flow is one of the primary causes of sexual dysfunction and lack of sexual stamina, acai berries are commonly used as an alternative medicine for helping patients with these conditions, especially for men.


Preliminary research studies show that acai may improve cognition and promote healthy brain aging base on the research in ACS Symposium Series in 2013.


While it is clear that consuming acai berry can be very beneficial to overall health and is used by millions to protect themselves from various diseases, there are also inherent risks in taking this miraculously healthy berry. If you have any allergies to pollen or other fruits, be very careful before adding it to your diet, and consult your doctor for an updated allergen test.

However, besides allergic risks, which is the same caution that should always be taken before adding something to your diet, the dangers of the acai supplements is quite real. The additional ingredients that are frequently added to the supplements can sometimes reduce the benefits of the fruit, or even prove detrimental to your health if you don’t know the full ingredient list. Some of the most common additives are caffeine, which gives the energy boost that people associate with “healthy activity” in the body.


[3] Carvalho-Peixoto, Jacqueline, et al. "Consumption of Açai ( Euterpe Oleracea Mart.) Functional Beverage Reduces Muscle Stress and Improves Effort Tolerance in Elite Athletes: A Randomized Controlled Intervention Study." Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 40.7 (2015): 725–733. Web.
[4] Poulose, Shibu M., and Barbara Shukitt-Hale. "Functional Role of Walnuts and Açaí Fruits on Brain Health." Tropical and Subtropical Fruits: Flavors, Color, and Health Benefits. Boston, MA: American Chemical Society (ACS), Jan. 2013. 171–187. Web.

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